New shredder line and inclined shear for KAM Holding, Nigeria
Danieli Centro Recycling equipment will improve rolling and casting processes
A division of KAM Industries Limited in Nigeria currently runs a cold complex and meltshop and has a second steel casthouse under commissioning.
Among several planned investments, KAM has recently placed an order for Danieli to supply a new DCR 2227 shredder line and an inclined shear.
The process supply foresees a 3000-hp power DCR 2227 shredder equipped with downstream and separation systems (cascade air system, drum magnet, picking station, overband magnet and conveyor system) to allow 70 tph of production; and a fully refurbished, Danieli CIC 800- 10 inclined shear with 800 t of shearing force, a design perfectly fitting the requirement to process scrap coming from the rolling and casting processes.
Erection and commissioning is foreseen by the end of 2020.