Product News - 9 August 2018
Kroman Celik: Another important milestone for DCR in Turkey!

The CIB 1400-15L side compression shear is one of the biggest and most productive of its category, having a cutting force in excess of 1400ton that, associated to a cutting width of 1.5m and a powerful high pressure (350bar) in-house designed and manufactured power pack system, allows a high level of productivity in excess of 50tph for envisaged production of mixed scrap range.
Even the baler is a very robust machine, which allows to process the expected light mixed as well as heavy scrap, producing bales weighing even more that 1000kg, with a size of 60cmx60cm and a variable bale length depending on charged input up to 1m.
The PTC 1760H triple acting baler is designed for automatic continuous, heavy-duty operation. Steel, aluminium, copper and stainless-steel scraps can be processed.
This order solidifies the strengths of DCR as a key player on the scrap processing business worldwide, as well as recognizes once again Danieli among the equipment’s top brand producers.

It is also another important step in Turkey, after the recent orders received there for large size equipment, and consolidates once again the relationship between Kroman and Danieli, partners on a winning long term vision development program.

This team-up is always brought ahead in an open-minded approach, and is oriented to the technological improvement and renovation of the processes and systems, aimed to the plant, products and businesses growths.
Which is exactly what is happening in the case of the shear and baler order, having worked hard together not only on the equipment design themselves, but also on designing and optimizing the overall plant layout, on the process flow, and the on overall process integration, being a good business card for the DCR capability in terms of process and product know-how, along with the above mentioned important score card as equipment supplier.


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